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Shocking: Mother Leaves Baby To Kick And Stamp On Total Stranger (PHOTOS)

UK – Serial thug Amanda Lowe, 26, had been drinking with Wesley Earls, father of her unborn child, and Daniel Wray, her cousin, in Piccadilly Gardens in the centre of Manchester this May when the attack took place, the city’s Crown Court heard.
The area was crowded with families enjoying the evening sunshine as Khuram Nisar walked through on his way home from work.
Without provocation, Lowe shouted racist abuse at him and added: ‘You’re a terrorist, don’t come near me,
I’m worried you’ll blow me up’ and ‘Go back to Pakistan’.
Mr Nisar responded by telling 26-year-old Earls to ‘control his woman’, but Earls reacted by punching him to the ground, joined by Wray, 21.
CCTV footage shows Lowe leaving her eight-year-old daughter, the pram with her baby in, and enthusiastically joining in the assault. She is seen repeatedly kicking Mr Nisar’s head and stamping on it in front of witnesses. He suffered cuts and bruises.

As her boyfriend joined in and punched the victim to the ground, Lowe repeatedly stamped on the man’s head before returning to her children, miming a punch and a kick to show what she had done.
Seconds later the three were arrested.
The group had 21 previous convictions, the court heard, many for violence. But despite the fact it was a fourth conviction for assault in six years for Lowe – who is now pregnant again – the judge spared her a prison sentence for the sake of those children.
Judge Lindsey Kushner told her:
‘Kids who have mothers who behave like you end up behaving like you. That damage starts from when they are tiny.’
‘The damage you are doing to your children – there at the time and seeing you drunk, the risk you put them at – is disgraceful. She was in that state in charge of two children.
'That in itself is a criminal offence, drunk in charge of a child. How irresponsible can you get? You could easily have been dealing with a care case here.’
But, the judge said, the ‘enormous impact’ that jailing Lowe would have on her children meant it was unfair to lock her up.
Judge Kushner told all three that if they offended again they would go to jail.

Now, the question is: should be mothers spared jail for the sake of their children? In some cases, it seems, it does not make them dwell on their offencive behaviour and change their mind or lifestyle.


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