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Nigeria Pastors and People In The Corridors Of Power (MUST READ)

History has shown and proven that our present and even past government often lies to us about many things if not everything, the government presents a brighter picture than reality, government paints rosier description in other to impress, perhaps even to minimize or deny some elements of weakness by feeding us doctored statistics and retarded optimisms. 

Our leaders’ judge primarily with what they see probably in the cities, but what we do not see can be more expensive and more deadly than what we see.

Despite the self-evident, visible lapses and deliberate wickedness so to speak, our religious leaders still praise and give them well known titles in the church of God; some pastors are either woefully deceived or apathetic to have claimed not knowing what, where and how they make their millions which they lavish on church special projects, tithes, offerings and so on……

Ecclesiastes 10:19 - “A feast is made for laughter and wine maketh merry: (but money answereth all things”.

Pastors are now silent on critical issues but more conscious of money and mundane things. There is no doubt money answereth all things; but what about the love of money?

1Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”.

Some pastors and preachers loves mammon and the praise of men more than the truth and the praise of God. There is no way any pastor or Christian leader can be concerned about maintaining a certain amount of revenue and still be true to his calling. Pastors now trims sermon, just to dishonestly collect money from the people in government whenever the chances appears. Christian leaders are saddled with the responsibilities of speaking the truth and preaching the words of God to everyone ceaselessly.

Isaiah 59:4 “None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies ; they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity”.

It baffles me each time I see Christian leaders with collar hailing people in corridors of power that we all know that they have failed and still failing in virtually all spheres. How many pastors are ready to lose financial support by flogging the leaders in government with nothing but the truth?

Jeremiah14:14 “Then the Lord said unto me, the prophet prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart”.

That’s exactly what some pastors are doing in our country Nigeria today, they preach what the people wants to hear mostly to the influential people in the corridors of power not minding the mind of God. They prophesie good and heartwarming prophecies to them; even when they have not seen or heard anything from God. No wonder pastor receives gifts that come as a compensation for not opening and emphasizing on their weaknesses and where they have failed God and people. 

There is little or no true reverence for God, Christianity is now a safe hiding cave. The houses of God are now political grounds for campaign and awareness. It’s so shameful and highly bad that our so called Christian leaders are now tongue-tied because of money and fame.

*People have been hopeful for more justice, equality and fairness in the country, things have not changed, which means the few pastors that have been talking and preaching the engrafted words of God and speaking the truth to people in government without any fear should do more and encourage others.

*I pray that God will take control of everything absolutely in this country, starting from the household of God and other areas


By Ayiti Oluwatoyin .M 