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Oprah Winfrey Gets Apology from Switzerland After Racist Incident at Local Store

The entire country of Switzerland is begging for Oprah Winfrey's forgiveness ... after a racist shop assistant in Zurich refused to show her a handbag because it was "too expensive" for O.

The incident occurred last month, when Oprah was in Zurich to attend Tina Turner's wedding ... and walked into the upscale Trois Pomme boutique where she noticed a $40,000 handbag.

When Oprah asked to see it, the shop assistant refused -- insisting it was out of O's price range. RACIST!!!!

Oprah described the exchange to "Entertainment Tonight":

"One more time, I tried. I said, 'But I really do just want to see that one,' and the shopkeeper said, 'Oh, I don't want to hurt your feelings,' and I said, 'Okay, thank you so much. You're probably right, I can't afford it.' And I walked out of the store."

Now, Switzerland's national tourism board has issued an apology on behalf of the country -- saying, "We are very sorry for what happened to her."

The board also begged for Oprah's forgiveness on Twitter ... saying the shop assistant "acted terribly wrong."

FYI -- Oprah reportedly made $77 million dollars last year ... so, suck on that racist shop assistant.