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RAW PHOTOS: Burning of Churches Continues in Egypt as Muslim Brotherhood Take out Anger on Christians

Since Egypt's security forces raided the protest camps of supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi, there has been a wave of attacks on Coptic churches and Christian-owned properties. In the past five days, dozens of churches have been torched and vandalised, and tensions between Islamists and Egyptian Christians, who make up around 10% of the population are running high. 
Below are some more photos from Kerdasa Church in Cairo:

Rabaa 3
 Rabaa 4
Rabaa 5
Rabaa 6
Rabaa 7
"Again" reads the graffiti scrawled by the side of the gate to the church grounds.

Rabaa 7

A man stands in front of graffiti on the church, which says: "We will show you what terrorism really looks like".