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Arik Air Stowaway Teenager: Family Worried Over His Whereabout

The family members of Nigerian stowaway boy, who flew from Benin to Lagos inside the wheel compartment of an aircraft, has appealed for his release from custody.
Miss Sonia Oikhena, elder sister of the stowaway boy, made the appeal at a news conference in Benin on Saturday, saying that family members were worried that Daniel was still in detention eight days after the dramatic event.
She urged the Federal Government to order the security agencies to release the youngster to his family, expressing concern that there had been no contact with the family by those holding Daniel.
“The only contact the family had with the security agents was when the SSS in Benin invited their mother for questioning. We are worried and do not know where my brother is and his present health condition after
flying in such a risky position. My brother should not be held culpable over the security lapses at the airport. If there had been tight security at the airport, he wouldn’t have succeeded in taking that risk of flying through the wheel of an aircraft.”
On his part, Desmond, (9), the immediate younger brother, appealed for his brother’s release “because he acted out of ignorance. He is just a child and must have acted out of ignorance; he needs brotherly love and guidance.
“We are appealing to those responsible for his detention to please consider us because we have no money to fight any case”, the Desmond pleaded.