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TRAGIC PHOTOS: 14 Children Dead As Suicide Bomber Blows Up Primary School Playground


A suicide bomber killed 14 children in Iraq yesterday when he drove a truck packed with explosives into the playground of a primary school.
The attack took place at around 9.30am in the village of Qabak, around 260 miles north-west of Baghdad.
An estimated 90 people were injured, the majority of whom were children, and the school’s male head teacher was killed in the blast.
Two policemen were also killed. It is the latest in a relentless wave of killing in recent months - Iraq's deadliest outburst of violence since 2008.
Mayor of local town Tel Afar, Abdul Aal al-Obeidi, said: ‘It’s a tragedy.
These innocent children were here to study. ‘What sins did these children commit? We and Iraq are plagued by Al Qaeda.’
An official in the town, who did not want to be named, said: ‘The fingerprints of al-Qaeda are clear on both


More than 6,000 people have been killed in violence across the country since January, according to monitoring groups, in one of Iraq’s bloodiest periods for years.
Including attacks on Saturday there has been a total of 75 dead, including two television journalists shot on the job.
Today, another suicide bomber - this time on foot - blew himself up as Shiite pilgrims walked through the largely Sunni neighborhood of Waziriyah in the north of the Iraqi capital.
At least 12 people were killed and 23 wounded in that attack, according to police and hospital officials.

On Saturday, a suicide bombing in the largely Sunni neighborhood of Azamiyah killed 51.
Later today, a bomb hidden in a car park exploded in eastern Baghdad al-Jadidah, a district that has both Sunni and Shiite areas.
That blast killed six and wounded 12, according to police and hospital officials.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the latest attacks.
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