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Opinion: Why Toke Makinwa & Maje Ayida chose to wed in secret

Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida

By Moyo Salvador
The reality of Toke Makinwa’s secret wedding to her long time sweetheart, Maje Ayida, is finally starting to dawn on both friends and foes alike.
One major question everyone is asking though, is “Why?”. Why would a media personality who seems to thrive on publicity decide to celebrate such a landmark occasion with just a handful of spectators?
All everyone can do at this point is speculate but the tale of Toke and Maje is quite similar to that of Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big in the movie “Sex and the City”.
Bradshaw is a very visible writer and has a huge wedding all planned out, complete with a designer dress made by Vivienne Westwood. Mr. Big on the other hand just wants a quiet ceremony that focuses on the couple. After a disagreement and a wedding cancellation, they eventually marry quietly at the equivalent of a marriage registry.
One does not have to be a psychic to see that Maje Ayida is no fan of the spotlight, he does not dress for it,
does not smile for it and obviously only puts up with it for the sake of his lady love. Toke on the other hand lives for the spotlight, she basks in it, thrives in it and plays her part for it very nicely.
Maje is the Mr. Big in this story, he only wanted to make the love of his life happy and so did everything she asked  but at some point it became too much for him. Toke as Carrie on the other hand needed to learn that being quiet sometimes doesn’t make you inconsequential, it just makes you human.
The couple came to a point in their lives where they had a “Carrie and Big” moment. The good news is that they realized that at the end of the day, what mattered was not their love or hate of the spotlight, it was their love for each other.
Congratulations to the couple.

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