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Egypt's government resigns, paving way for General Sisi to seek presidency

Egypt's interim prime minister Hazem el-Beblawi announced the resignation of his cabinet, a surprise move that could be designed in part to pave the way for the nation's military chief to leave his defence minister's post to run for president.

"The cabinet has, in the last six or seven months, responsibly and dutifully shouldered a very difficult and delicate burden and I believe that, in most cases, we have achieved good results," el-Beblawi said in a live TV broadcast. "But like any endeavour, it cannot all be success but rather within the boundaries of what is humanly possible."

Hazem el-Beblawi's military-backed government was sworn in on 16 July less than two weeks after Field Marsh Abdel-Fettah el-Sissi, the defence minister, ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi after a year
in office.

The government's resignation came amid a host of strikes, including one by public transport workers and garbage collectors.

It was not immediately clear whether el-Beblawi will stay at the helm of a new government or will step aside for a new prime minister.