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Dencia Defends Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling after NBA Life Ban

Like it or not, Dencia always seems to have a different opinion on general issues..This is her interesting take on NBA's ban on Donald Sterling after he was caught on tape making racist statements..
Quite long but worth the read...
'"He got banned from the NBA for life �������� and y'all fell for it smh,he still owns the team and can run it from the comfort of his bed,this man can walk into a game and no1 will recognize him.someone in the nba had to look good and Adam silver had to pls u think they didn't discussed that and agree to it?the man could fight it but the deal it came with is probably sweeter than fighting's so easy to shut people up,case closed they didn't wanna drag it now they gonna drag that side piece (like porsha did Kenya) people keep complaining about hoes winning but they are glorify one!! 
This man might be racist but he worked hard to get where he is for some woman to come try & bring him down it don't work like that not with powerful people's like u go on trial and see
it's gonna get bad and the D.A offers u a deal u just take it..people say racist people love power and guess what he still has power,he owns the team and still has power that 90% of us don't have.This man was just mad his side piece was hanging with younger and fresher men,he was insecured and said shit plus what happened to the tapes she recorded for months I bet he didn't say mean things through out!
Acting like we know what went down and judging this man from that is wrong cuz I can assure u AA women say the most messed up things about white women who date black men that's more racist than what sterling says (pls read the blog comments) Kim kardashian loves black men it's a problem Adam sterling doesn't it's a problem what should people do? Be themselves right?sleeping with the devil makes u the devil that side piece is as guilty of racism as the man himself and she's and extortionists and a blackmailer.she better start dating her pool guy Pablo cuz no hundrednaire will say hi to her,not in America.if she was my friend I wouldn't even trust her with a good morning..Sterling will be fine,I will be fine and you will be fine but she will not be fine."
When some fans argued with her,she continued...
"Donald sterling has a family, his wife and kids and they can always transfer it to them...then again the media and people let us see and hear what they want not what is really happening ..his son inlaw came out and said he was racist or so lol ..this is la this is Hollywood dear don't believe the hype even if u saw it on paper all they are doing right now is just to shut people up dear it's not that deep and they are getting exactly the reaction they expected...let me give u an example,if I didn't put up a picture of my backyard will u guys ever know I have a home with a pool?No that's because I wanted u guys to know so it's like it's not what u read and see it's deeper all I'm saying is don't fall for what they want u and I to fall for!!!its funny how people call me dumb n stupid lol these are people I have met and these I people I know inside stuff about cuz yes my God father is one of them ..don't believe the hype..LA taught me welllllllllllll ..."
 " I have had two close friends who played for the clippers and I spoke with them on this and they all are surprised because he never treated them bad or called them out of their names and I can assure u if he did the players will come out and say it,he said something he didn't act on what he was saying it's like telling the police or judge to send someone to jail for saying they will kill I said I wasn't part of the conversation I don't judge people by color or things they say but by how they treat people.Did he treat her bad since he's so racist?cuz I don't see her saying he treated her like a slave at all,if my friends who played there said he insulted and abused them then that's a different point is don't believe the hype dear they all want this reaction and for every1 to shut up period and they had to do it real fast."