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Delta State bursary fraud whistleblower arrested in Lagos and taken to Delta state

Ambrose driven away yesterday
Culled from SaharaReporters:
An ex-student of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), Mr. Ambrose Ezeanwani, who exposed a racket in the students’ bursary scheme in Delta state was handed over to men from the Delta State Government yesterday afternoon after days of illegal detention in Lagos. Police officers in Sabo Station handed him over after the Delta State officials visited to ask for his transfer to Asaba, Delta
State where he will be most likely tortured and “tried” for revealing the fraud perpetrated by officials of the state.

Ezeanwani was President of the National Association of Delta State Students Union at the University of Lagos. During his tenure, he revealed that the bursary system was fraught with fraud, which he said was being perpetrated by men in the scholarship board in Delta State.

Ambrose in detention at Sabo Police station
 Ezeawani alleged that the irregularities surfaced since the current Commissioner for Higher Education in the State, Mr. Hope Eghagha came on board. Mr. Eghagha a former professor at the University of lagos was a former newspaper columnist and critic of the Delta state government before bagging a government appointment a few years ago.

Ezeawani claims that Eghagha’s office had created a system for students bursary application where non-existing students are awarded bursary by the state. He said in his investigation, which the UNILAG students’ records office corroborated, the names published as “approved” for bursary awards every year were non-existent in the Institution’s official records. Ezeawani further stated that his research discovered that the office of the Commissioner for Higher Education in Delta State led by Eghagha had generated about 23,000 fake students and bank accounts and sorts codes throughout institutions across the country to siphon bursary funds while publishing fake names of beneficiaries in the print media every year. Although few genuine names of students are mixed in the published bursary approval list every year, it is observed that most of the genuine students are shut out of the scheme while non-existing names are paraded.

Ambrose being forced into a vehicle brought by the Delta State govt
Ambrose had led series of protest marches calling for investigations into the scam, however, the Economic and financial crimes Commission EFCC) to whom he directed his protests did nothing to investigate the fraud.

Last Wednesday on his way to Federal college of Education (Technical) Akoka, some men in mufti pulled up in front of him and attempted forcing him into their car. Ezeawani said he resisted and headed for the police station in Sabo instead. The men followed him and asked the police to hand him over but the police refused. The men apparently sent by the Delta State government then asked that Ezeawani be detained for them to go and prepare documents from Asaba to facilitate his hand over. He has now been handed over yesterday to policemen from Asaba who are suspected to be doing the bidding of the Delta State officials.


Leader of detectives that came to take Ambrose away yesterday