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US/UK Women Have ‘Cinderella Surgery’ to Fit into Designer Heels?

Christian Louboutin "Passage" Handbag Luncheon

Hey Ladies! Want your feet to look extra sexy in those killer Louboutin or Manolo heels? No problem. Because now, you can get “Cinderella Surgery” to make those toes prettier and even daintier than Cinderella’s!
Cosmetic procedures like tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast enhancement are commonplace. “Cinderella Surgery” is the new procedure currently trending in the US and the UK.
Women in these countries who desire to look better in their favourite shoes, or wish to fit into smaller sizes are increasingly going under the knife to change the size and shape of their feet, Daily Mail reports. These surgical procedures include removing unattractive bunions, and changing the length of the toes.

Cinderella Surgery Trend Bella Naija
Before (left) and After (right) “Cinderella Surgery”: Bunion removal

Some women have even opted to have fat injected into the soles of their feet to enable them walk more comfortably in heels.
Commenting on the issue, Dr Oliver Zong, from NYC Footcare says some women have even requested that he amputate their little toes. Others have requested to have liposuction done on their toes. Both kinds of requests are always denied.
KD Blog readers, would you ever have “Cinderella Surgery” done?