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Husband of Woman Sentenced to Death for Marrying a Christian Fights to Save his Wife from Execution

International outrage was sparked days ago after news went viral that a Sudanese court has ordered the hanging of a heavily pregnant 'Muslim' woman for marrying a Christian man and refusing to renounce her Christian faith.
Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, a 27-year-old doctor, who is 8 months pregnant with her second child, was thrown in jail last year September and earlier this month sentenced to death after being found guilty of apostasy (publicly renouncing Islam) when she told the court she was a Christian and
refused to “return” to the Muslim religion. The Islamic sharia law in Sudan since 1983 makes conversions of faith punishable by death. The court revoked her marriage to Christian hubby, Daniel Wani, a Sudanese man with US citizenship, and also sentenced her to 100 lashes.
Martin Wani bites his bottom lip and stares at the camera with no idea of the terrible fate which awaits his mother Meriam Ibrahim.
Today, Meriam lives inside a brutal Sudanese jail, held in shackles alongside her 22-month-old son, Martin Wani, while she awaits her death sentence for marrying a Christian. Her husband, Daniel Wani, who uses a wheelchair, is not allowed to care for their son Martin because he is a Christian and is banned from visiting him or his wife in prison.
Mailonline now reports that Meriam has been left to bleed in her cell by the guards, she is being given no medical attention and is having to eat prison food which is not giving her the nutrients she needs for her unborn child. Her family are growing anxious as her first birth was difficult and there are fears the second could be fatal if she goes into labor in such primitive conditions.

Meriam's treatment has been condemned by the governments of the US, the UK and the Netherlands but unless she is pardoned Meriam, 27, a doctor, will be hanged in two years time. Her husband Daniel has now made a mercy dash back to Sudan to try and save his wife.
He told Reuters:
“Our marriage was revoked. The revoking of this marriage means that my son is no longer my son and the one coming is not my son too, will not be my son. Martin [my son] and my wife, they are all in prison and she is pregnant, she could give birth at any time, from today to 1st of June, she may give birth. I am afraid that being in prison is dangerous for her so if they would allow me to take her to the hospital that she delivered Martin in — even if it was under the watch of security guards, I would be thankful.”

Wani, a US citizen since 2005, went to Sudan almost a year ago to arrange for his wife and child to move to US with him where he and elder brother, Gabriel Wani, immigrated to in 1998 after fleeing the war-torn African country.

Appeals for Meriam to move to a private hospital for the birth of their unborn child have been rejected. Her death sentence has been put on hold until she gives birth and nurses her newborn baby.