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"I know I'm FAT" - Rob Kardashian slams haters over weight gain

As Kim and Kanye's wedding approaches, Rob Kardashian was spotted at the Paris Airport and became the butt of cruel jokes regarding his weight .Many took to twitter taunting and insulting him for letting himself go despite all the money they have to hire the best trainers in the world....
He took to twitter to slam critics
"So i found out i was trending for being fat… thank you all it really made my day..And to the blogs saying i went to fat camp or rehab LOL then why am i still fat u fools?? y’all must have run out of real news.'First, i don’t believe in rehab or therapy or anything of that sort and second I’m a grown man and will work on myself when i choose.I’m aware that I’m fat that
defaint a surprise to me lol and my only therapy will be in the gym anyways had to say
somethingggggggggg. soooooooooo…… how about them kings ayeee>>>>????? and i love you @khloekardashian but i don’t want to love somebody else"
Khloe also stood by him,tweeting..
I love you ‪@robkardashian. Some of you people are disgusting for calling others names and picking on them. You should be ashamed of your self. Your words are cutting deeper then you know and are possible leaving lifetime scars! What shallow souls some of you are. Its sickening to critique anyone off of their appearance. Grow up!
Rob started his weight gain after Rita Ora broke his heart in 2012..