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Releasing Names & Pictures of Abducted School Girls could put their lives at risk - Borno State Government

There have been calls for the release of names and photos of the abducted 234 girls in Borno state. Yesterday, Mrs Kema Chinwe was reported to have demanded the evidence that the girls were abducted
"How did it happen? Who saw it happen? Who did not see it happen? Who is behind this?”
In a statement by the Governor's Special Adviser on Media, Isa Gusau gives their reason for withholding the details 
"The Borno State Government has a comprehensive data that includes pictures of the missing students and those that returned, which the Government is ready to publish on Friday, May 2, 2014 if the Defence Headquarters which has since been managing information on counter insurgency operations in the Northeast, gives the go ahead and Mrs Chikwe, who now knows more than the security can ensure that.
Our fear is not to reveal names that would reveal religion and family backgrounds which could at the end, compromise the safety of these girls; provide basis for families to be reached with demands for ransom or be accused of undermining rescue efforts or sensationalism.
In addition to these, abduction of girls are sometimes interpreted to mean automatic rape, where the identity of these are revealed, they could be stigmatized even after being rescued."
Who agrees....