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Cycling Could Cause Growth Of 'Third Testicle' - Doctors warn


South African doctors claim that lots of cycling could leave men with a third testicle.
According to a new report by South African scientists, cyclists including both men and women could develop a rare condition, that has been named a third or ‘accessory’ testicle.

Repeated vibration and friction between the lowest pelvis bones, tissue under the bottom’s skin and the hard bike saddles can cause the lump to grow.
Symptoms include pain on pressure and when sitting on the saddle, which may even require the cyclist to give up the sport. Treatment includes surgery or a steroid injection.

Though the affliction mainly affects men, the report also documented the bizarre case of a keen female
cyclist, 29, who developed a testicle. Doctors gave her painkillers and advised she should give up cycling, a suggestion she did not welcome.


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