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Seven Types Of Men Nigerian Women Like

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You have probably noticed that some men have more luck with the women. All Nigerian women are attracted to several “ideal types” of men. You need only to think which kind is about you and to work it out.

1. Romantic
He is a classic definition of romance. He brings her flowers and chocolate. He likes to organize dinners with candles. He calls her as often as possible and shows in a different ways that he cares for her.
Why does it work? Because all the women love to be appreciated and to be cared about. She is also free to bring to life her own romantic ideas.

2. Confident
A confident guy is secure and safe. He spreads aura of power, control and safety. He is irresistible: he is not afraid of the male friends or co-workers of his girlfriend. The reason: if you are sure that you are awesome,
she will probably think the same.

3. Creative
Artistic guy lives at the moment. He uses some of his creativity to get her attention. He will write a song for his girl, or will write a poem. This kind of things make women feel unique and special.

4. Foreigner
He is something like exotic. He might have lighter skin that men in Nigeria or just a cute accent. But his main weapon is charisma and the mystic of the other culture. Women like to date someone who differs from others.

5. Bad boy
He is a free spirit guy. He can ride motorbike or to steal some flowers for you from somebody’s flowerbed. He does not worry about the consequences really much. Women adore this kind of boo because they believe they can tame him.

6. Smart
He has a clever sense of humour and he knows how to make his girl laugh. All the conversations with him are intellectual and interesting. He can speak for hours, but it never gets boring.

7. Well-mannered
This guy knows when he should open the door and that he should pay for a dinner. He knows which glass you need to serve a red wine. He always pick his woman at her door. There is such time in the life of every woman, when she is ready for a cute nice guy.
Don’t take any of these character types to the extreme or try to be someone you’re not — it will be obvious. Try to mix them up and see which of these traits and gestures you are most comfortable with.