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PETA calls for American dentist who killed Zimbabwean lion to be extradited, charged and hanged

Death threats have poured in after an American dentist killed a famous & protected lion in Zimbabwe named Cecil.

Tributes to the lion in one of the country's national parks have poured in at a location thousands of miles away, Dr Walter Palmer's office in Bloomington, Minnesota. Protesters dressed as 'dentist hunters' also threw stuffed lions at his house.

Palmer has said that he had trusted his local guides to meet legal guidelines on his trip to Africa, during which he shot Cecil the Lion with a crossbow before skinning and beheading him around July 6.
The hunter's office and practice website have become a target for animal rights activists disgusted at the dentist's actions, which saw Zimbabwe authorities look for him in connection with poaching on Tuesday.
One of the strongest denunciations came from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which said on its Twitter account that Palmer should hang for killing Cecil.
'If, as reported, this dentist & guides lured #CeciltheLion out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property because shooting #CeciltheLion in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, &, preferably, hanged.'
PETA continued, 'Hunting is a coward's pastime. To get a thrill at the cost of life this man gunned down a loved lion with a high-powered weapon'.
'All wild animals are beloved by their own, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, they're merely targets.' 
'The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, will disgust every caring soul in the world'. 
The hunter allegedly paid $55,000 (£35,000) for a big game permit on the trip, and said that he did not know that the 13-year-old lion was protected. 
However, since his role in Cecil's death has been uncovered, animal lovers have laid siege to Dr Palmer's website, posting incredibly negative and abusive reviews. 

A memorial to the famous lion at a Zimbabwe national park who was shot by American dentist Walter Palmer has been set up outside of his office in Bloomington, Minnesota, along with a sign calling the hunter a killer
Some reviews on Yelp, which have been regularly deleted, have suggested violence towards Palmer and his business.
While outrage at Palmer's actions seethed through the Internet on Tuesday, those in the Twin Cities also disapproved.
Stuffed animals including lions were placed outside of his office, along with a a sign that said 'You are a coward and a killer!' 
'I think they should reconsider their dentist.' one woman said of people who go to Palmer to take care of their teeth. 'There are plenty of other dentists in the community who are animal advocates and good people.' 
Ire against Palmer first erupted when he was identified as the shooter on Tuesday. 
Emmanuel Fundira, the president of the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe, confirmed at a news conference on Tuesday that Palmer is wanted for the death of Cecil.

Source: Daily Mail


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