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See the Face of a Killer Mum who Murdered Daughter She Claimed was her Sister for Years

Sheena Bora (left) was murdered by her mother Indrani Mukerjea (right), the wife of a media baron

An Indian media executive was accused of murdering her younger sister - only for police to discover it was actually her daughter. 
Indrani Mukerjea is accused, along with her ex-husband and driver, of strangling daughter Sheena Bora to death in April 2012.

Her body was discovered the next month, but the case remained unsolved for three years - until new evidence came to light, allowing police to make the shocking arrests.

Mukerjea, a co-founder and a former executive with Mumbai-based television company INX Media, is alleged to have been outraged Miss Bora was having a relationship with her current husband Peter

Mukerjea's son, Rahul.

Sheena (far right) and Rahul Mukerjea (hugging her) at a party before her death in April 2012
Mr Mukerjea - her third husband - is the former chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's television network Star India.
Mukerjea, former husband Sanjeev Khanna and driver Shyam Rai  are said to have killed Miss Bora, then driven her body to a a forest in western Maharashtra state and setting it alight.
Investigating officer Dhananjay Kulkarni said:
'It was an honour killing because Sheena was having an affair with Rahul, which was not liked by Indrani.
'The prima facie evidence suggests this was the reason for the murder.'
Indrami then claimed Miss Bora had moved to Los Angeles, and no longer wished to speak to the family.

Husband Peter Mukerjea, former CEO of Star TV, leaves after visiting Khar Police Station in Mumbai. He had no idea the woman he thought of as his sister-in-law was actually his stepdaughter

What's more, neither her current husband and younger daughter Vidhe were aware that the woman they had thought was Mukerjea's sister was in fact her daughter, the product of a relationship with an unknown man.

Mr Mukerjea confirmed Miss Bora and her brother Mikhail were introduced to him as his wife's siblings - and Vidhe called her 'aunt'. Mikhail revealed they were threatened with being cut off financially if they did not keep their mouths shut about their true relationship with their mother, who was busy climbing into the ranks of the social elite.

43 year old  Indrami

Indrami's former husband (face covered) also accused of the murder
The revelations this week seem to have taken Mr Mukerjea and Vidhie by surprise. Speaking after the arrests, London-born Mr Mukerjea revealed: 
'My son Rahul had come to me three years ago, extremely upset, saying, "Sheena had taken off for the US without telling me. Something is not right".
But Indrani had not only told us that she had gone to the US, but continued to maintain that, so I told him, "Don’t be silly. Look she’s there because she wants to be there, she’s fine," and I dismissed him.'
Vidhe added:
'[Miss Bora moving to the U.S.] used to be a sensitive topic at home. If anyone broached the topic, it would lead to a big row.'
'I love Indrani,' Mr Mukerjea continued. 'All this I am hearing now is new to me as I have loved and trusted her blindly all these years.'
Mukerjea and the other suspects are due to appear in court on Monday. 


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