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Five Benefits Of Going To Church


Life doesn’t seem to slow down. Most people’s weekdays are typically crammed with school, work, extracurricular activities, cooking and chores. When the weekend hits, most of us want to unwind and have some fun.

The world is becoming more secular, and going to church isn’t as common as it used to be. Even when we consider ourselves spiritual people, religion and church sometimes fall down the list of life’s priorities.

Church provides so much. Here are just five ways that going to church can bless you and your family.

1. Church anchors us

Our kids are bombarded with technology, materialism and questionable media messages. In many
families, religion and spirituality have taken a backseat to life’s distractions.

Setting aside a few hours each weekend to attend church provides a much-needed balance. At church, our children can grow closer to God, learn morals and standards and be strengthened spiritually. Church keeps us grounded.

2. We receive spiritual strength at church

Some people question the point of attending church. They argue that they can visit the outdoors and feel close to God in nature. Or, maybe they feel that Sunday is strictly a stay-in-bed, relax-with-the-family day.

While these can be good pursuits, attending church gives us so much more. Singing hymns, praying, participating in Communion or sacrament service, listening to prepared lessons or sermons, and worshipping with a congregation uplifts and strengthens our spirits. The spiritual strength we receive weekly at church, as kids and adults, helps sustain us for each week ahead.

A family day is a great idea, so why not attend church as a family?

3. Church provides fellowship

Our associations with members of our congregations are so strengthening. When life throws challenges, it’s nice to have a church network to lean on. The encouragement and love we receive through our churches truly enriches our lives.

Many church members lend a hand in times of need. They might provide meals, help with our children and listening ears. We can enjoy new friendships and fun church activities, as well.

Many churches also have youth groups that involve our kids in a wholesome environment. Our children can surround themselves with kids that have standards and values similar to their own.

4. Church presents opportunities to serve

Jesus taught that we should bear one another’s burdens and love our neighbors as ourselves.

We often get so wrapped up in our own lives that we miss opportunities to reach out to others. Church congregations are like an extended family. We’re provided with many opportunities to serve.

We can involve our kids in helping with church activities, preparing and delivering meals to those in need, helping to clean the church building and doing whatever needs to be done for fellow church members.

Service to others teaches our kids unselfishness, compassion and how to dig in and work.

5. We get to know God

Of course, the ultimate prize in church worship is growing closer to God. Learning about him, his teachings and commandments helps us to become better people. We feel his love and this brings us happiness.

Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (KJV Matthew 18:20)

Find a church that aligns with your beliefs and values. Strengthen your children spiritually by going to church. Add peace to your family’s lives through church worship.


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