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Putin vows to hunt down terrorists 'in any part of planet' after bomb blows up Russia jet

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to hunt down and punish the terrorists responsible for blowing up  a passenger jet ,killing all 224 aboard over the Egyptian Sinai desert .This comes after it emerged a 1.5kg 'home made' bomb destroyed the aircraft.
 Egyptian authorities have arrested two airport employees who are accused of helping ISIS smuggle the device onto the aircraft at Sharm el-Sheikh airport.
 Putin said:

'Killing our people at Sinai is among the most bloody crimes judging by the number of victims.'And we won't wipe our tears away from our hearts and souls. It will remain with us forever.But it won't stop us from finding and punishing the criminals.: 'We must do it without time limitation.We must know each name. We will search for them everywhere, wherever they will hide. We will find them in any part of planet and punish them.''There is no statute of limitation on this.'The combat work of our aviation in Syria must not only be continued. It must be intensified so that the criminals understand that vengeance is inevitable.'


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