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ISIS slashes their fighters' pay by half

Following the US-led coalition which has seen ISIS lose lucrative oil fields and millions in cash, the terrorist group has slashed the wage of its fighters by half to £100-a-month. A new document released by the terror group's Treasury which is based in Raqqa, Syria, reveals that ISIS has decided to cut the salaries of all its fighters in half due to 'exceptional circumstances'.

The document does not state the reason for the cut but it is believed to be as a result of massive losses suffered by the group. Only this month, an airstrike hit a warehouse housing millions of dollars of the
group's funding.

After quoting at length from the Koran the pronouncement says: 'So on account of the exceptional circumstances the Islamic State is facing, it has been decided to reduce the salaries that are paid to all mujahideen by half, and it is not allowed for anyone to be exempted from this decision, whatever his position.'

Despite the cut, the document states that the distribution of Zakat, a religious obligatory tax collected for poor Muslims, will not be hampered.

In December an international coalition launched a huge number of airstrikes against the terror organisation, targeting their oil fields.

Iraqi forces recently pushed ISIS fighters out of central Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, months after the armed group captured the key city about 60 miles west of Baghdad.

Last month it was revealed that ISIS is though to make around £52million a month through taxes, oil sales and selling illegal drugs.


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