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Gay man kisses his boyfriend in front of a homophobe & gets badly beaten (PHOTOS)

Jordan Schaeffer was on March 14th brutally attacked and beaten to a pulp by a man for kissing his boyfriend in a Miami Beach Burger King. The man who attacked him has not been found. 

Jordan told NBC Miami that after they ordered their food at the restaurant, he and his boyfriend shared a little PDA while they waited for their order.

“It was just a simple kiss with my boyfriend,” Schaeffer said. “Then right after that kiss, I started
walking over and that’s when I was approached by this gentleman.”

Jordan said the man used a homophobic term to describe him and they exchanged words.

“‘Why don’t you show if you’re tough or not you little f—-,'” Jordan said the man told him before attacking him.

CCTV footage from the restaurant later showed the man body slamming Jordan to the floor.

“It all happened so fast once I got slammed to the ground. It’s just kind of a blur,” said Jordan, who was in Miami on holiday. He's now back in Los Angeles.

He sent photos of his injuries to NBC Miami.

Source: NBC Miami...


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