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Man Jailed For Having Two Children With His Niece In 'Appalling And Sad' Incest Case

A man has been jailed for having a sexual relationship with his niece which produced two children in an "appalling and sad" incest case.

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was discovered to be both the father and great-uncle of the two children who are now in care, Hull Crown Court heard.

He had been in a sexual relationship with his niece which began when she was a child and continued into her adulthood.

Both admitted charges of sexual activity with an adult relative, knowing the relationship.

The man was jailed for four and a half years.

DNA tests confirmed the man was both father and great-uncle of the children.

Nigel Clive, prosecuting, told the court the case came to light as a result of social services dealings with the family.

They notified police when they realised the relationship between family members and DNA tests confirmed the man was the biological father.

Charlotte Baines, defending the man, told the court although he had not been "intellectually assessed" he struggled to follow "the intricacies of court proceedings".

David Godfrey, for the niece, said: “The consequences of that action is that the children who she adores, who she loves dearly, are no longer in her care.

"The author of the pre-sentence report is sure she has suffered."

Judge Jeremy Richardson QC said: “This is an appalling and sad case in equal measure.

"I approach my task this afternoon with a sense of compassion coupled with reality.

He said the man had an “acutely deprived upbringing” and told him: "You were in every sense the product of a comprehensively dysfunctional family.

“This led you into an utterly disordered life in relation to your own family.

The man must sign the sex offenders register for life.

The niece was sentenced to a community order featuring 12 months supervision.

The judge told her she was “as much sinned against as sinning”.


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