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Serial Sperm Donor Now Have More Than 100 Women Waiting For Him After Going Public About His Generosity

More than 100 women are now waiting at the door of serial sperm donor Ari Nagel after he went public about siring 22 children.

The blue-eyed New York math professor has been donating sperm for nearly a decade but following a tell-all interview, his inbox is now flooded with requests from women across the country with paternity pleas.

And the wannabe baby mommas are in luck Nagel has never denied a request yet.

He told New York Post: 'I cut and paste 'I'll do my best. I'll help you any way I can.'

The women range from committed relationships to divorced to single and include lesbians and heterosexuals.

One hopeful, Sheila Killian, 47, a custodial worker from Charlotte, NC, whose graphic designer wife, Sukeema, 40, told The Post: 'He's definitely a blessing because he's doing the work for free.'

She said the couple work 'from pay check to pay check' and would not be able to afford a regular sperm bank.

While Patrice Anthony, 31, a nurse's aide from New Orleans, agreed: 'He's willing to do it for free. I think it's amazing.'


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