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Update on the report of a Lady who poured 'hot palm oil' on her boyfriend over an unconfirmed allegation

Some days ago, KD Blog reported about a Lady who allegedly poured hot palm oil on her boyfriend in the middle of the night, over an allegation that he impregnated someone. There's a new update which reveals that the lady has since escaped to Europe. Read below.

According to a friend of the victim, the incident actually happened on January 22, 2016. It was not made public because the case was under investigation by the Nigeria Police. However, the girl in question was not captured and has since travelled out of Nigeria to Europe. The victim on the other
hand was flown to Malaysia for treatment and has returned back home in good conditions, but is still having some minor issues as the hot oil affected his eyes and tonque. Sadly, he lost his father as a result of this case. When his now late father came to visit him at the hospital and saw his condition was critical, his BP rose and was very high. He eventually died the next day.

As for the perpetrator, She called the victim later on and was pleading with him, putting the blame on the devil and insisting that she just understood the consequences of her action. The young man however wants justice and hopes that the girl can be captured to face law. He also needs financial help to further his treatment in the hospital.

Photo Credit: Wealths Isreal


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