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The Future is Here! Nigerian Tech Company launches social media creative app to save $1billion for businesses annually

In a world where individuals and companies spend lots of monies in getting creatives designs for their business processes. A Nigerian Tech company has taken the bull by the horns by creating a startup, that is sure to change the creative designs industry in Nigeria and the world at large. helps provide unlimited social media creative designs absolutely free and also Thousands of free professional background design templates that will ease your creative process. You are also welcome to use your own custom creative images for your social media designs by uploading such.

The beauty about this App is that it helps saves fees and makes you design smart. Yes, It gives you
unlimited daily designs ABSOLUTELY FREE and makes you Experience unmatched ease of use by creating multiple social media design sizes at once.

An Idea is Born
One of the Co-founders of a leading Tech company-, Temiloluwa Sobowale speaking on how the idea of the application was birthed revealed that one of the advices from Mark Zukerberg in his trip to Nigeria triggered a new drive for innovative thinking that birthed the app.

According to Sobowale, Zukerberg made it clear that a winning strategy is to be able to provide tools/services to SMEs that only the big companies could afford some years ago. But by building an application, this gives small businesses a level playing ground to compete. This is exactly what we did.

We noticed that only the big brands can afford to use professional graphic designs for their social profile, posts ,due to the high cost of paying professional creative directors,  this is  affecting their business, because statistics shows that customers engage more with professional images than ordinary text.

Statistical findings show that posts with images get 94% more views than those without images, which means that adding a professional image to your posts will increase the chances of brand awareness, while using a poor creative design could damage the reputation to your brand by making it look sloppy and unprofessional in the midst of competitors. You lose businesses to the competitors that way.

When asked about the $1billion figure savings for businesses annually, Sobowale said that “getting a good design will cost you a minimum of $5 each which is about N2, 000 at an exchange rate of N400 to $1. We know that on the average a business needs to post one image per day, but with, you save $5 because the use of the app is free.

We envisage that the worse case 1% of the 60million businesses with pages online will adopt the tool. Zukerberg puts the figure of businesses on Facebook at 60 million. Based on this projection, we envisage that 600,000 will use the application. If our projection is anything to go by, it is obvious that  we save $billions.

See the illustration below:
Daily savings =$5X600, 000=$3,000,000 daily savings.
Annually= $ 3,000,000(daily saving) X 365 (days in 1 year) = $1,095,000.000 yearly savings.

The good news is that over 1.5million businesses in Nigeria owns and run Facebook pages.

When asked about the global competitor,, Sobowale’s  reponse was that  Canva is not a free app,you still have to pay $1 to download some images, before you can use it.  The case is different with with thousands of templates are available, absolutely free with unlimited creative design daily. There are hundreds of websites on the web that provide free High definition images that you can also add to your design when creating your  social media images on the Website,

Our ease of use is un-matched as you only need to do one creative and download the images in multiple sizes for various social media sites at once, you can only create one design at a time with our various competition.

Most of our competition focus on all type of designs , from fliers, posters social etc, we are focused only on providing creative  design for social media alone  there by focusing on the granular details of creative design needs for social media engagement, this also is a competitive advantage.

We have some other competitive advantages but our new modules soon to rolled out will differentiate us even further.

A Gamechanger
This is a gamechanger, even for those in the media because it makes getting better images along with news post much easier better and attractive.

Individuals can also use the platform to brand and share their event images with friends after it has been personalized with their names and event #tags telling a story about the image and the ownership that was not  possible prior to this time with any application before

Visit to start your free social media creative design journey.


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