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Custody battle of Mohammed Babangida & Rahama Indimi reportedly gets messier

It is no longer news that Mohammed Babangida, the son of former Nigerian president, Ibrahim Babangida is going through a bitter custody battle with his estranged wife Rahama Indimi.

In the recent past Rahama has come on social media to allege Mohammed has been a threat to her life and he has allegedly being trying to take their children forcefully from her, however, some family sources who spoke to Encomium alleged that Rahama's accusations are blatant lies. It was also alleged that Rahama's billionaire father has 'washed his hands off her matter'.
According to Encomium:
Family sources disclosed to ENCOMIUM Weekly that Rahama’s father, Alhaji Mohammed Indimi, the owner of Oriental Energy, is angered by all the antics of his daughter and has washed his hands off her matter.

”Alhaji Indimi has directed Rahama to release the children to their father who has the capacity to raise them well, but she stubbornly refused to listen to her dad. The man felt disgraced by the attitude of the daughter, saying that she has destroyed an age long relationship he had built over the years with the Babangidas. Because of this, Alhaji Indimi has practically disowned her”, our source revealed.

The source further reminded that Alhaji Indimi is particularly bitter with the quantum of lies Rahama is spewing against Mohammed in this unwarranted feud.

”I want to remind you once again that it was Ibrahim Babangida (Mohammed’s father) that gave Indimi the break  that catapulted him into the league of billionaires in the country when the former was the military president. So, it is painful to him that it’s his own daughter that is now maligning the Babangidas because of marital issues.

 Meanwhile, sources disclosed that the police might arrest Rahama any moment from now for obstructing them from carrying out a court order of retrieving the children for their father.


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