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"You owe your parents absolutely nothing, it's not your obligation to take care of them neither is it their right" - Bisi Alimi

According to Nigerian gay right activist, Bisi Alimi, you do not owe your parents the responsibility of taking care of them when they are old except you are still living with them. In a post shared on
Facebook, Bisi Alimi has claimed that
"The idea that it is the responsibility of the struggling young to take care of the struggling old is a myth sold to you by the corrupt politicians who have stolen the resources of your commonwealth."
He went on to remind Nigerians that they didn't beg their parents to have sex which led to procreation and as such, they should become their pension scheme. 
I totally don't agree with this. Taking care of your parents is not just your responsibility, it is their right. I feel like God can even punish you for not taking care of them. You owe them that much!


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