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3 Simple Ways To Live A Life Without Worry (Hakuna Matata)

The word ‘worry’ as defined by Oxford Dictionary means ‘to allow one’s mind to dwell on troubles; is a thing that causes anxiety; a disturbed state of mind’.

Some years ago, I used to get worried over little things, things that are ordinarily ‘worryless’. I realized later that the more I dwell on these needless matters, the higher my blood pressure becomes, the uglier I become and the more worried I become. Then I decided not to be worried over them anymore. But how could I live a worry-free life? I chose to do or/and not to do these 3 things I am
sharing with you. Here they are:

Say “I am sorry” When You Are Wrong

One act that has become a part of me is to apologize. As a matter of fact, I did that to a junior friend about an hour ago. I say it to my colleagues, at work, to my friends to my neighbors and even to my students. The moment I find I am wrong, I say sorry without taking long or thinking twice. The other day, I had a poor encounter with a young lady and after realizing it, i went to her house and told her I was sorry for my misdeed and it was all over. She even appreciated it because she was surprised. If I had not done that, I would still be carrying that luggage around and invariably giving myself a heavy heart. So, say sorry whenever you are wrong. It takes nothing away from you.

“If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically”- Dale Carnegie

Never Expect “Thank You” or Anything from Anyone

It’s time to confess this. I was a long time landlord in the Expectancy Estate, always looking forward to hear a beneficiary say, ‘thank you’ to me. I lived in that estate so much that I built a mansion there. But thank goodness for self-development that made me realize this: The more you expect things from anyone and you don’t get it, the more worried and disturbed you become. Thus, lower your expectations from people or if possible, expect nothing from them. That was my saving grace. Today, instead of expecting a ‘thank you’ from anyone, I am the first to say it first. And when he thanks me first, I reply with this phrase, “Thank you for thanking me”. In essence, never expect thanks from anyone because if you expect it and don’t get it, it infuriates you.

“Blessed are those who do not expect anything for they will not be disappointed” – Anonymous

Inform One Who Offends You

If you want your life to be full of worry, always keep grudges in your mind. Somebody, to paraphrase said that: the world would be a better place if we talk to each other instead of talking about each other. This is very true, walk-up to anyone that offended you, nicely, calmly and responsibly tell him how he wronged you. Except you did it wrongly (or that the person is a serial wrongdoer) he would appreciate it. It he’s an elderly person or a boss, what can you do? I don’t know but for me, I do tell a mate and that gets if off my head and mind and I become free!

“Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you cannot change” – Anonymous.


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