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Heartbroken Belgian Man Protest On Social Media After Immigration Deports His Ghanaian Lover For Not Being 'gay Enough'

A Gay Belgian man, Jurgen Hendrickx, has been left heartbroken after his Ghanaian lover was forcibly deported back to Ghana because he wasn't 'gay enough'.
According to him, his Ghanaian lover who he only identified as Festus was last week forced onto a flight back to Ghana after two-years of their smooth sailing relationship. Ever since then the heartbroken man has been protesting and asking for help on social media.

Hendrickx, an electric engineer from Antwerp, in one of his posts said he's worried about the safety of his boyfriend in Ghana, where homosexual act attracts a three-year sentence.
Where is our human dignity to gay men?” Jurgen posted. “At the recent pride in Brussels, we mentioned the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya.
“Now they’re sending my boyfriend right into the hands of his potential torturers/murderers,' he said in another post.
Narrating the heartbroken incident to, he said he and Festus had handed over dozens of pictures as well as evidence that Festus had been with other men before they met.
He said: ‘We have appealed so many times, we have done everything.
‘Immigration in Belgium don’t want to believe he is gay. They say he is not gay enough.
‘I have spoken to him today, he is very scared, he has nobody there. I want to go to him.
‘Over the last two years our relationship has grown and grown and grown, it is so good.
‘I have autism and it’s not easy for me to find love but I have.‘I can’t stop crying, being gay is illegal in Ghana and I fear they are going to kill him.
‘Festus and I cry from morning to evening, we love each other so much.’
Mr. Hendrickx also said he might travel to Ghana this week to reunite with his partner.
‘I have lung disease, so I need to see a doctor on Monday to see if I am fit to fly. ‘Then I need my vaccinations on Tuesday.
‘Immigration doesn't believe Festus is gay but he is and we are a couple. ‘Last year I was in the hospital and he sat with me for eight hours a day from 2pm to 10pm just so we could be together, he said.
Below are some of his rants on Facebook


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