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Daddy Freeze, Dangote And The Benson Idahosa Story

Still On the Issue Of tithing that the popular Radio On Air Personality, 1st Nig.Nickleodeon winner. Bible Teacher, Convener, #FreeTheSheeple Movement, Leader of #TheFreeNation Has been Raising Awareness In his View that Tithing Isn't Scriptural According To All The Text In the New Testament And The First Daddy G.O Who Were the Apostle and Disciples Of Jesus Never Collected tithing...
9hours Ago on This Instagram Page In Defense to The Comment By One Chioma.azubike "Bishop benson Idahosa Proclaimed a blessing On Dangote"(Screenshot 1st Pics)
In Response in he wrote This Long Reply(screenshot 2nd Pics)
Daddyfreeze:�E ye tan ra yin!
Dangote NEVER paid tithe to Idahosa, he gave up his airplane seat and Idahosa blessed him.
Join me in a live lecture at noon, only a few minutes away, as we unlearn more lies!
Here is what transpired between Dangote and Idahosa as reported by the sunday Adelaja blog:
"The plane stopped and the steps were lowered as the pilot came down to know what the issue was. Idahosa began “I have two of God’s important servants who must go to Lagos”. “But we are loaded to capacity. Every seat is full” said the captain. “Never mind.

Let me on board. They all know me; they see ‘Redemption Hour’ (Idahosa’s TV program). Let me talk to them”. Idahosa obliged, climbed into the plane and walked down the crowded aisles. The passengers were annoyed. He prayed silently as he returned to the front. He turned round, facing the passengers and started “Excuse me friends, I have two of God’s special servants in my car. They must go to Lagos today on this plane. Two of you will get off now so God’s servants can board. God bless you. He waited a minute, no one moved. The silence showed annoyance by the impatient passengers. Some pretended to be asleep and others it seemed were praying. Idahosa slowly walked the aisle again. As he approached the rear, a young man rose from the back of the plane and asked the person sitting next to him to get up. Yes, said Idahosa pointing, you can go tomorrow. You can travel later he said, pointing to the other man. They both gathered their belongings and proceeded from the plane.

Benson Idahosa stopped the first man in in the aisle of the plane. He asked him “young man, what is your name and what do you do?” “My name is Aliko Dangote and this is my assistant” the young man replied. “I am a trader, a businessman”. Impressed. Benson Idahosa responded “The World will get up for you” the mostly Christian passengers responded “Amen”. “My God will bless you! God will take you and your business beyond Africa and bless you beyond measure”. Just before descending the steps, Idahosa turned and raised his hands with tears in his eyes, praised the Lord and blessed the remaining passengers for their patience".
Few Hours Later He Posted This Again on His Instagram Account:
"daddyfreezeBREAKING NEWS! (Screenshot 3rd Pix)
Developing story
Someone very close to Dangote just called me to debunk the Idahosa story!
The person told me that Dangote himself told her that it never happened.
Sorry to break your hearts guys, but this NEVER happened! ~FRZ


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