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Trump frees the drug offender grandmother who Kim Kardashian begged him to pardon and commute her life sentence

Trump frees the drug offender grandmother who Kim Kardashian begged him to pardon and commute her life sentence

U.S President Donald Trump has pardoned the drug offender grandmother sentenced to life in prison, whose case has been championed by reality TV star Kim Kardashian.

Alice Johnson, 63, a first-time drug offender, was sentenced to life in prison and had already spent 21 years in jail. But after Kim Kardashian went to the Oval Office to meet with Trump on her behalf, Trump commuted Alice's life sentence.

An excited Kim Kardashian posted a picture of Johnson with the caption: "BEST NEWS EVER!!!!"

Trump frees the drug offender grandmother who Kim Kardashian begged him to pardon and commute her life sentence

Kim said: "So grateful to @realDonaldTrump, Jared Kushner & to everyone who has showed compassion & contributed countless hours to this important moment for Ms. Alice Marie Johnson. Her commutation is inspirational & gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance."

She added: "I hope to continue this important work by working together with organizations who have been fighting this fight for much longer than I have and deserve the recognition."

Trump frees the drug offender grandmother who Kim Kardashian begged him to pardon and commute her life sentence

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn are reportedly not thrilled with the president's recent reprieve. Both officials are said to have reviewed Johnson's case, which involved drug possession and money laundering, and were not convinced she should be set free, The Washington Post reported.


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