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U.S. Welcomes The Remains Of Soldiers Who Died 68 Years Ago In Korea War (Pics)

Dozens of cases believed to contain the remains of missing American soldiers who died during the Korean War have finally returned to US soil.

In an emotional and solemn ceremony, Vice President Mike Pence welcomed the remains of the presumed casualties on Wednesday after they were flown from South Korea.

American flags were draped over the 55 cases as they arrived in Hawaii and were escorted off an aircraft by military honor guards.'Some have called the Korean War the 'forgotten war.'But today, we prove these heroes were never forgotten,' Pence said at the ceremony.

'Today, our boys are coming home.

'Each of the 55 containers was accompanied by one Marine, one sailor, one soldier and one airman.

They set them gently on risers lined up inside the hangar as Pence stood watching with his hand over his heart.

In an emotional and solemn ceremony, Vice President Mike Pence stood with his hand over his heart and Admiral Phil Davidson saluted as they welcomed the remains to Hawaii

'Some have called the Korean War the 'forgotten war.

'But today, we prove these heroes were never forgotten,' Pence said at the ceremony.

'Today, our boys are coming home.'

Trump tweeted about the ceremony late on Wednesday.
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An exhaustive analysis and identification process will soon begin at a military laboratory in Hawaii to determine who the missing soldier are

'Whosoever emerges from these aircraft today begins a new season of hope for the families of our missing fallen,' Pence said on Wednesday addressing the crowd.

'Hope that those who are lost will yet be found. Hope that after so many years of questions, they will have closure.'

Pence spoke during the emotional ceremony, saying: 'Today, our boys are coming home'
Audience members stand during the National Anthem at a ceremony marking the arrival of the remains believed to be of American service members who fellin the Korean War.

North Korea handed over the remains last week. A USmilitary plane made a rare trip into North Korea to retrieve the 55 cases.

The bones' return was part of an agreement reached during a June summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Trump thanked Kim for the return.

UN honor guards carry the boxes containing remains believed to be from American servicemen killed during the 1950-53 Korean War on the arrival from North Korea, at Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea

There are 7,699 US service members listed as unaccounted for from the 1950-53 Korean War, of which about 5,300 are believed to have died on North Korean soil.

The remainder are those who died in South Korea but have not been recovered; those who died in air crashes at sea or on ships at sea, as well as a number who are believed to have been taken to China.


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