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Why Nigeria Is Being Encircled By Military Bases

The U.S. military is encircling Nigeria with a chain of air bases, drone bases and surveillance facilities. The latest link: a $150 million drone base airstrip Niamey, Niger Republic and Garoua, Cameroon. The U.S. Air Force is planning to lease 33 acres of land on the island for the next 50 years to build a “divert airfield” in Benin.
The plan is to usurpe Nigeria’s traditional diplomatic leadership in the region with Ghana, replace Nigeria’s economic leadership with Morocco and weaken Nigeria’s military power with never ending conflicts. As of this writing the U.S First Lady Melania Trump is in Ghana for a state visit.
In March 2018, despite strong objections by Nigeria, Ghana approved a controversial military agreement with the United States . The agreement grants the United States unrestricted access to a host of Ghanaian military facilities and wide-ranging tax exemptions to the most powerful military the world has ever known.
The agreement will also permit the US military to use Ghana as a base for staging and deploying forces. Ever hungry for power and competiin with Nigeria, the Ghana-U.S agreement is a grave strategic blunder for Ghana. For a country that touts its political stability and peace, the American military bases will make Ghana a magnet for terrorists.
There are also unconfirmed report that the United States Air Force is planning to lease 33 acres of land in Benin for the next 50 years to build a “divert airfield” there. History has shown that to be surrounded by America comes with its attendant risks.
In addition to the site on, the Air Force plans to send aircraft on regular deployments for the first time to bases ranging from Cameroon to Mali as part of its bulked up force in the region. These plans include regular deployments to the already existing drone bases in Garoua, Cameroon, Air Base 201 in Niger, and possibly bases in Mali and Ghana.
As I’ve written in the past, these Pentagon plans are part of the Franco-American strategy contain China’s growing influence, and also to keep the giant Nigeria in a self-perpetuating ecosystem of political instability and strife.

China’s engagement in Africa. 


Franco-American engagement in Africa.


The idea is to have enough US bases and Air Force capabilities peppered throughout the region so that Nigeria would be too surrounded to safely attack in the event of a conflict.
As it stands today, if the Franco-American power decides to pull a Libya style intervention in Nigeria using a false flag stint, American drones, French aircrafts and even submarines can knock out any target or site located deep inside Nigerian territory. The initial ‘blinding campaign’ would be followed by a larger air and naval assault. The Nigerian government will capitulate. It will be over within hours.
One would expect the Nigerian government will be none-too-pleased with the fact that the nations that carried out several wargames and is planning contingencies to “intervene”, is encircling Nigeria on virtually all front. By 2019 the only place that will be devoid of Franco-American presence for Nigeria will be the Atlantic.
Imagine the calls for war in Washington if China was backing various Latin American countries with money and weapons and building air and naval bases in the Caribbean with the explicit aim of bombing United States to smithereens. This is exactly what the powers that be have done to Nigeria.
The Nigerian government in asleep. Self absorbed and too distracted with domestic politics and internal strife to notice the noose being tied around the country’s neck. That’s the plan.
Nigeria is threading on dangerous ground with its complacency and nonchalance. There is a dangerous tendency toward alarmism that is exaggerating the “threat and use it as an excuse to intervene militarily. They did it with Iraq, as it later turned out there was no WMD.  They did it with Libya. Under the excuse of protecting the Libyan people from the tyrant Myanmar Gaddafi, they destroyed an entire country and created an ecosystem of self-perpetuating violence and strife that continues till this day. Fifty years of Libya’s development wiped out within months by NATO.
No, there is no ISIS in Nigeria. No, AbÅ« Bakr al-Baghdadi is not hiding in Nigeria. Boko Haram has not and cannot challenge core “U.S. interests”. The dying European power simply objects to resurgent Nigeria living up to its full potential after seeing the progress made in just under a decade of democratic governance.
The powers that be object to Nigeria’s growing economy and military power at the same time China’s influence on the continent. Such powers are reserved for France and America, goes the thinking. So, we’ll threaten anyone who challenges that with war.


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