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Saudi Executes Indonesian Maid For Killing Employer During Rape Attack (PHOTO)

* Mother-of-one Tuti Tursilawati said she was acting in self-defence.

* Riyadh hasn't given Jakarta prior notice of an execution three times in four years.

Indonesian maid Tuti Tursilawati was executed by Saudi Arabia after she killed her boss who was raping her.

Jakarata has demanded to know why Saudi Arabia didn't give prior notice of the execution.

Ms Tursilawati, who was working in the city of Ta'if, was found guilty of killing her employer in June 2011.

Indonesian President President Joko Widodo called Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, demanding to know why Jakarta had not been informed about Monday's execution of mother-of one Tuti Tursilawati.

It was the fourth time in three years that Saudi Arabia had failed to notify Jakarta before executing an Indonesian migrant worker.

'We have called Saudi Arabia's foreign minister and conveyed our protest,' Mr Widodo was quoted as saying by the office of his cabinet secretary.

Indonesian advocacy group Migrant Care said in September that Ms Tuti Tursilawati had been defending herself from being raped.

The Saudi ambassador to Indonesia had been summoned to discuss the matter, the president said, but the Saudi embassy in Jakarta did not answer calls seeking comment.

'The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has ignored principles of human rights, including a right for everyone to live,' said Abidin Fikri, a member of Indonesia's parliament.


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