Breaking News

Coronavirus: Chinese Officials Lock People In Their Homes As Quarantine Measures

A video has surfaced of Chinese officials going round the city locking people in their homes under the instruction of their President.

The video shows the official telling the frightened couple to remain indoors as they lock them inside and keep the keys somewhere close to th apartment.

They instructed the couple that if anything goes wrong which they cannot handle such as a fire they should call their contact who will come and open the door for them. They said they would lock the door in such a way it could not be opened from the inside.

The couple were heard protesting it as they were locked in.

The corona virus has grown to an epidermic level in China and still growing.

Second Video shows a woman recording a video in a makeshift medical facility run by the Chinese army. The video shows so many infected people helpless there as she said they were given no medicine, no shots, no hot water and no quarantine measures except for a wooden board separating each section of infected people.

She was calling out for help through the medium of the video.

This is becoming alarming and all countries need to know the seriousness of what is going on in China as i believe the entire truth is not being told.


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