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Five Signs You Are A Humble Person


Although many people interprete being humble as being feeble, many however know deep down their minds that being humble is a virtue.

C. S. Lewis once refuted this general analogy above by saying ‘Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less’. As humans, we were built to be arrogant, self seeking and many more but hey!..only if you know how long you can go without wearing the garment of arrogance, without always wanting to put yourself in line with the highly competitive trend going on in our society.

Humility is variously seen as the act or posture of lowering oneself in relation to others, or conversely, having a clear perspective, and therefore respect, for one’s place in context. Many feel this above definition involves not counting yourself as necessary its all a lie. A lie that wants you to just believe that humility is for the weak. The followings are pointers that you are a very humble person:

Humble People focus their energy on others
A humble person have real interest in other people, always wanting to know what is happening to them
which in turn helps them to be people who are not too keen on making their life perfect but always wanting to help out even when the other person is just a friend or an acquaintance.

Their moral compass guides their decision-making.
Many can afford to make decisions unnecessarily but humble people have a habit of thinking about their values when they make choices. And when humility makes you to decide on a decision, humility makes you stand by it without making excuses afterwards.

Humble people excel as leaders.
Leadership has different styles but you will agree with me that a humble person will be totally loved his employees if he/she is the head of an organisation. While humility is more of a softer strength, that doesn’t mean it can’t make an impact in the boardroom. “It sort of defies the stereotype of the arrogant, self-centered CEO. … You don’t really think of humility as a key trait for success in leadership, but it is!

They know good things lie ahead — and they’re OK waiting for them.
 Humility fosters patience, hopes for the future and utmost positivity. A humble person is always willing to go all the way and wait patiently for  good tidings to come to him/her. Because patience and humility are great virtues that cannot be separated, many humble persons are said to be quite patient too.

They have strong relationships.
Nobody will always want to hold on to friendships and relationship that cannot be banked on. Everyone wants to be bonded and associate with  people with virtues that can stay true to the test of time, hence, the main reason why humble people always have strong relationships. According to the American Psychological Association, humility creates a sense of “we-ness” in relationships.
Now, ask yourself these following questions; do I focus my energy on other people? Does my moral values affect my decision making? Have I ever significantly excelled in leading people in any capacity before? Am I really a patient person? Can I point at people in my life that will say I can be banked on? Answer those questions yourself and see if you’re humble!