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Miracle: New born baby girl ‘comes back to life’ in chapel just before she’s taken to Mortuary

Yasmin’s body was in a box in the chapel until 2pm, when her grandmother  arrived with the owner of a funeral parlour who is also a family friend carrying the baby’s coffin. But as soon as they went to pick her up, the newborn kicked a leg, shocking new reports have revealed.
Yasmin Gomes was pronounced dead after she stopped breathing immediately after birth, hospital record showed. On Tuesday morning at the Lincoln Graca hospital, doctors unsuccessfully tried to revive the baby several times but she was  finally declared dead at 11am, and a death certificate issued.
Three hours later she was placed in a box and left in the chapel at the hospital in Londrina, south  Brazil, by a nurse who “couldn’t face sending her to the morgue”, according to  reports.
When the new born’s grieving grandmother arrived with a mortician to pick  up her body for burial they were
stunned when Yasmin opened her eyes.
“At first I couldn’t believe it, we couldn’t accept that it could happen. Then we saw that she was breathing. We hugged each other and started to  shout, ‘she’s alive, she’s alive’. It was a miracle,”baby’s grandmother Elza Silva told Brazil’s Globo G1 website.
The Mirror reports:
Yasmin’s mother Jenifer da Silva Gomes, 22, told Brazils Tanosite website she  was the first to be told that he daughter had died.
She recalled: “My world crashed down right then. It was the most desperate  moment when all my dreams were snatched away.”
Nurse Ana Claudia Oliveira, who accompanied the birth, said she asked for the  baby’s body to be laid in the hospital chapel, instead of the normal procedure  of being sent to the refrigerated morgue.
She said: “She’s a little angel, a child. I just couldn’t face the thought of  her being sent down to the morgue.”
She added that she washed and dressed the dead baby and had no doubt that she  was dead.
She said: “I can assure you, the child was dead. Her pupils didn’t respond to  light. All her signs pointed to the complete absence of life.
“I saw it with my own eyes. She was blue all over, completely dead,” she  said.
Yasmin’s father Cleverson Carlos Gomes, 26, said he received the news where  he was waiting in the hospital’s corridor and went straight to the chapel.
He said: “I saw my daughter’s pale, lifeless body. I couldn’t stay there. I  ran out of the chapel in tears.”
The hospital in Londrina
Yasmin’s body remained in a box in the chapel until 2pm, when her grandmother  arrived with the owner of a funeral parlour, family friend Rosilis Ferro,  carrying the baby’s coffin.
But as soon as they went to pick her up, the newborn kicked a leg, according  to Ms Ferro.
She said: “It was an incredibly emotional moment. I began to shake and I  couldn’t speak, I was overwhelmed with happiness.
“I called a nurse who at first didn’t believe it, she told us they were just  spasms. But then the baby opened her eyes.”
Mum Jennifer said she was still being comforted by family members when a  nurse burst into the room and shouted: “Your daughter’s alive”.
She remembered: “At first I had no reaction, I didn’t know what to think.  Then I started to be sick. But after that I couldn’t contain my happiness.”
Doctor Aurelio Filipak, who battled to save Yasmin and signed her death  certificate, said: “People can make their own conclusions, but only those who  were there know what really happened.
“In 20 years of medicine, I have never witnessed anything like this.”
He said a team of medics tried to resussitate the baby for nearly an  hour.
“All the equipment, like the cardiac monitor and oximeter, all showed that  she was not breathing and had no heart beat,” he added.