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Lupita talks about bleaching but is smiling with Rihanna - Dencia

Dencia is still pissed off at Lupita..Here is what she wrote on Instagram:
"The Media has told their version about how the Lupita Dencia ish started & claimed it was Dencia when I didn't know this woman until she mentioned me & I can Authoritatively tell u she lied about the letter,someone who works in her Camp reached out to me & told me the was no letter & the story was made up after I said I didn't know who she was.I know u guys are like why I'm I still on it but I was really disappointed when I was told she lied,I was really hoping the's a letter,the person in her camp who reached out doesn't wanna go public but the person said it Infront of me & 2 other people.They read about me,I am doing charity work,building and orphanage and she has nothing charitable going on so standing for a cause she can't even ever fight n Tryna come 4 me is total BS,u wanna talk bleaching but u are smiling ur eyes off in pictures with Rihanna?smh make up ur mind on a cause n fight for it woman by the time I turn 31 which is 6yrs from now,come back let's talk. I rest my case & done with this topic!!!"