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Iranian Pharrel Williams Fans Arrested for Making “Happy” Video

Pharrel Williams - Bella Naija

Apparently, Pharrell Williams‘ hit song, “Happy,” has made Iranian police authorities very unhappy. Some young Iranians have been arrested for appearing in their own version of the pop star’s “Happy” video.
 Hossein Sajedinia, Tehran’s police chief confirmed that six people had been arrested because of  ”the obnoxious” video released on social media, The Guardian reports.
The video featuring the arrestees was reportedly viewed by thousands of people, however; it has now been removed from the Internet. This “controversial” video showed Pharrell’s ecstatic fans dancing and singing on the rooftops of Tehran.
Using the #freehappyiranians hashtag, many Iranians have taken to  Twitter  to demand for the release of those arrested.
Reacting to the news of his imprisoned fans, Pharrell Williams posted on his Facebook page: “It is beyond sad that these kids were arrested for trying to spread happiness.”
Pharrell’s video for “Happy” has been viewed over 250 million times on YouTube and has inspired people
worldwide to create their own version of the video, which shows people dancing in the street to the song.