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Face of Police Officer Who Killed Unarmed African-American Teen Unveiled

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Ferguson, Missouri, is currently going through a tough time.
After the killing of 18-year-old unarmed African-American Michael Brown, there have been violent protests, and the Governor of the state Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency.
Today,KD BLOG brought you the report that Brown was shot at least six times, with two bullets to the head. This news triggered more protests.
Yahoo! News has unveiled the face of the police officer Darren Wilson who gunned down the teen.
Ironically, 6 months ago, his father took to his Facebook page to speak about his son receiving a commendation from the police department.
“Very proud of my son, Darren Wilson on his receiving a Commendation from his Police Department.
Congratulations Son.” wrote John Wilson in February 2014.

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The father’s Facebook page appears to have been deactivated after Yahoo! published the story on Saturday morning. When reporters from Yahoo tried to contact John, his wife Tonya answered and reportedly said “we’re not talking to anybody — thank you”.
Four days ago, John posted this message on his page without mentioning the name of the son.
Dear FB friends, Our family is in need for prayers to be sent up for a family member
Circumstances do not allow for us to say anything further. Please pray with our family in mind. Put a covering of protection over our family member please.”
After thanking his friends who wished him luck on his Facebook page, John later posted a quote from a pastor in Texas – “When something is ‘out of control’ it is merely out of your control — not God’s!”.
A spokesperson for the Police said Wilson is taking the death very hard. “He never intended for any of this to happen. It’s devastating, absolutely devastating.”
Darren Wilson has been placed on paid leave pending outcome of investigations.

Photo Credit: Yahoo News!