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Oscar Pistorius Offered 'Blood Money' To Reeva Steenkamp's Parents For Her Shooting Death

As the sentencing hearing for Oscar Pistorius continues, it has emerged that he offered a large sum of money to his dead girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp's parents after he shot her to death. However, the family rejected the offer of $34,000 as "blood money".

Pistorius' offer of the lump sum to the Steenkamp family was revealed during the cross-examination of defence witness. It was said that Pistorius had raised the funds from selling his car.

According to the BBC, the prosecutor, Gerrie Nel, said that Reeva Steenkamp's mother, June, had rejected the cash. "She does not want blood money," he said.

However, though they had refused the lump sum, the Steenkamps have been collecting separate monthly payments of 6,000 rand (£340; $540).
The couple's lawyer confirmed that he had approached the Pistoriuses some 18 months ago, asking for support because Barry and June Steenkamp were broke. It seems their daughter had been supporting them prior to her death.
If they have indeed been collecting monetary support from Oscar Pistorius, then it is up for debate if one can call the lump sum "blood money". It is also worth noting that the Steenkamps have said they will not be pursuing any civil case against Pistorius.

Before the sentencing can happen, the athlete's defense is trying to show that he should not be sent to prison. Earlier, on the second day of hearings, a defence witness told the court that Pistorius would be physically at risk if sent to prison.

Last month, Oscar Pistorius was cleared of murder but found guilty of culpable homicide.