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North Carolina passes bathroom privacy law which prevents Transgender people from using any bathroom they want

Last month, North Carolina passed a gay and transgender protections bill, a nondiscrimination ordinance adopted in the city of Charlotte that, among other things, allowed people to use the bathroom that matched with their gender identity. This caused an outrage among some residents of the state who said women and children were not being protected from sexual predators who may pose as transgender to gain access to women’s restrooms.
Well, the North Carolina legislature on Wednesday passed a sweeping bill overturning gay and transgender protections at the local level and required students to use public restrooms that correspond to their biological sex.
Gov. Pat McCrory, a former Charlotte mayor, signed the bill hours later, according to the Associated

Now the Gay and transgender community are complaining about discrimination because they wont be comfortable using bathrooms of their biological sex due to their sex changes and fear that they may be sexual harassed as well by sexual predators.

Even the mayor of San Francisco has given an order banning city employees from traveling to North Carolina on public business.

The Gov reiterated his stance of protecting women and children by releasing the statement:

“The basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings, a restroom or locker room, for each gender was violated by government overreach and intrusion by the mayor and city council of Charlotte. This radical breach of trust and security under the false argument of equal access not only impacts the citizens of Charlotte but people who come to Charlotte to work, visit or play. This new government regulation defies common sense and basic community norms by allowing, for example, a man to use a woman’s bathroom, shower or locker room.
“While local municipalities have important priorities working to oversee police, fire, water and sewer, zoning, roads, and transit, the mayor and city council took action far out of its core responsibilities. As a result, I have signed legislation passed by a bipartisan majority to stop this breach of basic privacy and etiquette which was to go into effect April 1. Although other items included in this bill should have waited until regular session, this bill does not change existing rights under state or federal law.
“It is now time for the city of Charlotte elected officials and state elected officials to get back to working on the issues most important to our citizens.”


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