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Poor teenage boy offers to carry groceries for food and you wont believe what happened to him

A Facebook user Matt White in Memphis, Tennessee narrated something unique that happened to him and a 16 year old boy on June 10. He said he went to a Kroger store to buy groceries and met a 16 year old boy, Chauncy Jones Black, who asked him if he needed help with his groceries. He said the boy looked dejected and tired but willing to help him with his groceries in exchange for food. He took the boy back into the grocery store and bought food and all sorts of things for him and the boy's mother. After the incident, he took to Facebook to talk about the encounter, a lot of people said they'd like to pitch in to help the boy and his mother. The post was shared over 13,000 times and a GoFundMe account which was opened for him has generated over $270,000. Read the full post below...

I just met the most inspiring person ever. His name is Chauncy Jones. He's a 16 year old from Memphis. He had taken the bus at 9:00 at night to get to the "rich people's Kroger" on Highland as he called it. He approached me while I was shopping for produce asking if he could help me carry my grocery bags to my car in exchange for buying him a pack of glazed donuts. This kid looked like he had been turned down 100 times. He looked ashamed, hungry and broken. In my heart I screamed a loud "yes!", but to him I just chuckled and said, "yeah dude, we'll get you some donuts". I asked him if he was by himself and he said that he had come all the way out here with the hopes of someone buying him something to eat because he and his mother had nothing at home. He had no phone, a bus pass, and he was depending on the graces of a stranger to feed him within the hour before the bus left. So, needless to say, he and I went on a shopping spree. We had so much fun! We got cereal and chips and frozen veggies, pizzas, Cheetos, melons and pasta, peanut butter, milk, soap, tooth brushes, just a little bit of everything. All the while we talked and he told me how he makes straight A's in school and is trying to get a job to help his mom pay rent. This kid was amazing. Chauncy kept calling himself poor, but he told me that one day he was gonna be wealthy and own his own businesses so that he could help other people in his neighborhood and buy them groceries like me. I was in awe. I gave him a ride home so that he didn't have to take the bus and when we got to his house I was truly humbled. He wasn't kidding. He and his mom had nothing. They didn't even have beds or furniture. They were sleeping on pads made out of sleeping bags, they had two lamps and nothing in their fridge. Nothing. His mother was so sweet but very fragile. I couldn't tell what it was, but she had some sort of physical and/ or mental disability that made her shake and made walking difficult. I thought I was going to cry. As we unpacked the food into their kitchen, you could see the hope coming back into Chauncy's eyes. He knew he wasn't going to be hungry. He looked like a kid again. As I was leaving I gave him a hug and told him how much God loved him and that he was going to grow up to be an incredible man. I'll never forget that hug. It meant more to me than any possession I have. Our God is an awesome God, and we can never be thankful enough for the blessings we have.
(Edit) I never thought in my wildest dreams that this single post would create such a tidal wave of kindness and encouragement from everyone. So, I decided to create a page for Chauncy and his mom with lists of things they need here:
Thank you so so much to everyone who has taken he time to donate, reach out and overall just show that they care. It means the world.
Chauncy and his mother have received all kinds of gifts from people on social media and all the funds from the GoFundMe account will go to Chauncy and his mother.


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