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Buhari 'Mocks' Resume Or Resign London Protesters

President Buhari has 'mocked' the #Resumeorresign London group who held a vigil in frontof the Abuja House in London demanding he returns home to start work or resign, saying now that he has returnedhome, he hopes they will return to. The President said this yesterday while meeting with State Governors, He said;

“I am very happy with the national prayers that cut across religions and ethnicity; people were praying.

“In fact, some groups in London came and sang the national anthem and asked that I should go back home. Indeed, I have come back home. I hope those who went there are not stuck there. (I hope) they
will come back and join us.

“Those that are stuck there with the Brexit, I hope they have weighed the implications that it won’t affect them, including those that have property there.

“Those who are not paying tax here; I hope when they sell their property there, they will bring some of the money here. We need it very badly here.”


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