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Kiss Daniel Vs G-Worldwide: Coke Studio Yanks Off Kiss Daniel’s Materials

Nigerian Singer, Kiss Daniel is currently in a legal battle with G-Worldwide, the label that shot him into stardom. The label claims he went against the contract he has with them when he announced his exit, floated his own label and performed at shows without their consent. They even stated that the name ‘Kiss Daniel’ is a brand name owned by the label.

Few days ago, G-Worldwide released a public announcement in which they made it clear that they have filed a suit in Court with claims that both parties have been told by the Court to return to status quo in line with the contract.

With that announcement, it appears like things might start going tough for Kiss Daniel in terms of performing at shows and even releasing new music. The first obvious setback, according to news reaching WotzupNG and findings, Coke Studio has yanked off materials he did with them from their Youtube Channel. This is likely connected to the legal battle the Artiste is engaged in.

Next week is expected to be more dramatic for the Singer. Trust us to fill you in on more juicy news emanating from the legal battle.


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