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Ladies, When You Are Ready To Settle Down, Don't Settle For These Men...


When you are ready to settle down, dont forget these...

1) Make sure you settle for a man who doesnt see paying your bride price as buying you...

2) Make sure you settle for a man who doesnt see marrying you as doing you a big favour...

3) Make sure you settle for a man who wouldn't use your monthly cramps and mood swings against you,, YES Some men are like that...

4) Make sure you settle for a man who knows you have right to your body sometimes,, who understands you have the right to say NO to sex when its not comfortable for you,, maybe due to weakness or whatever it might be,, and still respect you for that...

5) Make sure you settle for a man who would stick with you inspite of the odds,, who wouldn't compare you to a SWEET 16 after series of child birth (though most women try to work on themselves after child birth,, but truth be told,, you cant remain young forever)...

6) Make sure you settle for a man who would understand that there are just times you might feel too tired to fix the family meal,, and him helping you out wont be a taboo...

7) Make sure you settle for a man who would always allow you air your opinions, who understands you have d right to 'agree' or 'disagree' on a particular issue,, depending on what the case may be,, without always shutting you up before you are done airing your view...

8) Make sure you settle for a man who doesnt find it difficult saying 'SORRY',, someone who easily asks for forgiveness whenever he wrongs you,, not some kind of 'Autocratic' man,, who expects 'sorry' from you even when it's glaring he's wrong...

9) Make sure you settle for a man who understands that hitting a lady is a crime and shouldnt be done especially to his wife,, not some 'wife beaters' who raises their hands at the slightest provocation...

10) Make sure you settle for a man who loves everything about you,,who loves your soul not just the body,,and who enjoys your company always...




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